“Why didn’t I lose that twenty pounds?” –Robert Stromberg
Which Academy genius suggested Kurt Douglas as presenter? Why not have Dick Clark join him as a co-presenter? Oh, my gosh, you’re breaking the first rule of show biz: leave them wanting more.
Best supporting presenting actress Melissa Leo - loved her genuine surprise, awkwardness and her live television F-bomb.
Justin Timberlake isn’t nearly as cute as he thinks he is. Not even close.
Why are Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem presenting together in matching ecru tuxedos? The look seems too unique to be accidental.
Randy Newman – witty, as usual.
2001: first win after nominated 15 times. "I don't need your pity".
2011: 20 nominations, second win. "Not a good percentage."
The “In Memoriam” montage with Celine Dion singing “Smile” was bearable because it avoided the awkward lulls of applause when a less famous face appeared.
Amusing speech by The King’s Speech director Tom Hooper which blended the appreciation of his mother and reference to his “triangle of man love” with Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth.
Anne Hathaway – enjoyed her many wardrobe changes but there’s no need to ask her back as an Oscar host. Her behavior better fit hosting “Saturday Night Live”.
Colin Firth’s speech was the usual self deprecating witty British repartee you’d expect. Wonder if it was rehearsed or truly off-the-cuff?
The finale of school children singing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” with the award winners was touching.
To wrap up: good movies with weak hosting by Anne Hathaway and James Franco.
Again I say, no need for the musical presentations.
Looking forward to watching this week’s episode of “Fashion Police” with Joan Rivers.
Good night, good people out there in The Intranet.