Friday, September 21, 2012

This is just a test

So, Bachelor #1 has now become #1 Boyfriend, what with the exchange of the "L" word plus his gifts of water meter motif stuff and lip balms and all.  Yes, he knows what makes me happy.  Anywho, we were feeling especially close when we both revealed that interests of the past had made recent contact.

I received 2 texts from 2 previous suitors as did he.

"I think men can smell a commitment/challenge," I supposed.

"No, it's a karma test," #1 Boyfriend said.

"What's that," I ask as I tilt my head like a super hearing canine.

"You don't hear from someone until you have someone else in your life.  It is a test to see if you are okay with it."

Check out the deep thought from #1BF!! (Say it like Jules in Pulp Fiction.)

Two texts and phone numbers now deleted from my cell phone.  Yay, Karma!

1 comment:

Progress Lighting said...

Yes, it might be a little hard also to trust somebody, but you have to be careful. You'll never know how good we have it until we have it and or it is gone.

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