All the recent network brouhaha reminds me of the war no one wants to talk about back in the day. It was a painful era in America but the Cola Wars divided communities. The evil not-genii at Coca~Cola changed their formula, dumped "New Coke" on the market but it was no good! Consumers cried foul, hoarding of "old" Coke began, bad behavior abounded, blah, blah, blah. Read all about it in
"The Other Guy Blinked: How Pepsi Won the Cola Wars" by Pepsi executive Roger Enrico. (I would argue that Coca~Cola won because their loyal public clamored for original product instead of switching to Pepsi.)

Although not a regular viewer of late night television, it is very apparent that a major mis-step has been made with the shake up of personalities and time slots. (I am biased because I find Jay Leno most unfunny.) Have no idea if Conan forced NBC into promising an unreasonable 5 year plan or if Jay is a complete douche that refused to go away but somebody screwed up big time and the American public is paying the price for Jay returning to the earlier slot.
Thanks, Peacock Bastards, thanks a lot.
<----example of sarcasm, Bastards, since you know absolutely nothing about humor
weird... i think conan is THE least funny person on tv..including politicians and the pope...I can watch show after show and NEVER EVEN crack a smile... and I LOVE humor...
Haha, I remember the cola wars well and the attempt by coca cola to force "New Coke" on us. Stupid ignoramuses. Nice parallel you've drawn with the Late Night debacle. :) I don't watch any of them, but when they first put Leno on at 9 central I thought it was a dumbass idea. And I was right, as were many others who predicted it wouldn't work.
I think Zucker should be fired from NBC. Not only is he involved in the Coco/Leno mess, he's also the brainiac who put Friday Night Lights on satellite only for new shows! I have to wait until April to watch my beloved show.
Trey - humor is so subjective. Conan isn't my favorite but Jay is way down the list for me.
La Belle - I knew I liked you! Big fan of Friday Night Lights - HUGE, I tell ya!
You too! OMG! I'm super impressed! And to think I started to delete that whole paragraph! Some friends have been kind enough to get me the commercial-free satellite versions that I can watch on the computer. I'll still watch the episodes again when it goes to regular TV at the end of April. Need to see Tim Riggins in full HD! Haha!
Friday Night Lights is THE best! And, yep, remember the Cola Wars...did you know Pepsi will have limited release on Pepsis with real sugar? As for NBC, what a mess...Zucher needs to exit stage right...
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