Had tons of blogs bookmarked and spent waaayyyy too much time clicking on all those headings only to find no new entries . . . until I found a better, faster and easier way to keep up with my ever expanding faves.
I'm using Google Reader and no matter how many days I skip, all my favorite blogs with their latest entries are there waiting for me.
Kinda like TiVo for blogs, Google Reader makes recommendations based on my selections. Love that.
And just like TiVo, initially you'll save time by looking at only your selections but since it is so effortless, you'll spend more time because you've expanded your selections.
~~You're welcome~~

I could not live without Google Reader. I actually started a post on this myself a while back but never published it. Reader is imperative if you follow a lot of blogs. I have a gadget on my iGoogle home page so I see new posts as soon as I log on.
Thanks for the tip. I've been relying on my blogroller. But most don't Ping so I have to chase down.
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