Kittie Howard, over at The Block, awarded a few blog awards last March and offered an opportunity to vie for a gift card. It was the same week I learned of many local struggling non-profits in my area so instead of competing to win an unexpected gift for reading her great blog which is a gift in itself, I dropped out of the game by suggesting a contribution to a non-profit. Before you think me to be completely selfless and wonderful, you should know that Kittie gave a Salvation Army donation last December; $1 for each of her followers so it just natural that I would think of a gift to serve many instead of one.
And wouldn't you know it, the idea caught on. Kittie opened the forum to voting and her readers went for it. Not one reader whined for a gift card for themselves.
Fast forward to last week when Kittie's blog reached 100 followers which became a perfect time to announce her contribution to a Louisiana animal shelter and she included me in the explanation.
What a nice example Kittie is! The word my mom would use is "a jewel". It fits Kittie.
So, here's my challenge to you. While you might not have $106 to spare, non-profits of every ilk are suffering in our new economy and even the smallest contribution can help. My local food bank or homeless shelter can always use jars of peanut butter, cans of tuna and even tubes of toothpaste. Throw an extra item in your grocery cart when you can and drop it by your local mission or food bank.
Here is a list of items that any animal shelter would gladly accept:
Clorox Bleach
Fabric Softener
Rubbing Alcohol
Distilled Water
Kitchen Garbage Bags
55 Gallon Garbage Bags
33 Gallon Garbage Bags
Cat Litter
Purina Cat Chow
Purina Puppy Chow
Lysol Spray
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Bathroom Cleaner
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Windex Glass Cleaner
Dishwashing Liquid
Hand Sanitizer
Crew Socks
Kitchen Sponges
Scrub Brushes
Plastic Spray Bottles
Mop Heads
Light Bulbs
I provide the list to illustrate that every little bit helps.
Some folks volunteer.
Some folks write big checks.
Some folks share their blessings.
All can make a difference.
Just a little
I am,
Skitzo Leezra
Awww, a generous soul under all that humor and sarcasm. I knew it! That's a great list for the animal shelter. I will try to remember and do my part. Towels and blankets are also a necessity -- our emergency clinic used to love getting those.
LaBelle - visiting the Skitzo Leezra blog is like a pull of the one-armed bandit. Which personality will line up? The sarcastic? The tender? The easily amused?
Ohhhh, Leezra, you're the jewel, a very, very tender-hearted person who'd give away her last boiled shrimp to a stray kitty. Remember, Jack is donating $1.00 to a preservation society for every comment left. I forget the blog address...on previous blog.
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