Monday, October 11, 2010

It was your time, dude

Enough of the John Lennon death anniversary angst already. He was insecure heroin snorter and marital cheater who enabled the awfulness that is Yoko's "career". I heard a recording of her once and it sounded like an orgy of violent feline fornication.
Sometimes the most merciful thing to happen to a celebrity is an early death. Marilyn, Elvis, James Dean, Cobain, Heath. I mean, c'mon, had they not passed, imagine their star fading with each sad and pathetic appearance on Hollywood Squares and American Idol. Elizabeth Taylor is a perfect example of hanging around too long. We can barely remember her as young and beautiful when we witness her putrefaction with our very own eyes.

Live fast.

Die young.

Leave a pretty corpse.


SkitzoLeezra said...

Toni, you're still around! Good to hear from ya, lady.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm back in the loop. Always enjoy your topical thoughts!


Kittie Howard said...

Thanks for your landscaping story, definitely one to remember. That builder was/is a total jerk. Po' mouthin' about the recession, duh, he's part of the problem.

Agree with your JL assessment...Yoko Ono destroyed everything in her path but is regarded as some sort of saint, duh!

Anyway, see you've done a bit of rearranging. Your studio blog has some good stuff. I've checked it out before. You're very, very talented, Leezra!

me said...

jeeesh......she was asomething wasant she???...dayym....... was....

Kimberly said...

Some die, some stay. Its how it works...

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