Last night I decided I can no longer watch the Rachel Zoe Project with audio. Rachel's affected speech and limited vocabulary "lit'rally" gets on my last nerve. While I find her staff's dynamics somewhat interesting, Rachel's constant, simpering and empty praise makes me crazy. It means nothing. And Brad now parrots her. "Shut it down"? No, shut it up. She is worse than a retarded Valley Girl.
Her new line should be "I starve" instead of "I die".
My rant sister, Jennifer Worick of Things I Want to Punch in the Face, posted a Skeletor photo of Rachel today that will absolutely "lit'rally" scare you. Check it out.
That photo that she posted was horrible! I thought the bones in that woman's chest was going to poke me in the eye! Rachel Zoe seriously grosses me out. I want to get her a feeding tube.
Ladies & gents - I would love to have any "bone" protrusion in regards to my body - collar bone, wrist bone, back bone, cheek bone. Yes, I want to be skinny but I will never be. Not the card I was dealt. But on the upside - I'd last last longer during a nuclear holocaust than ol' Rach.
Like I told you, watch this muted with subtitles -- it is much easier to watch.
On the Things I Want to Punch in the Face pic, a person noted that Rachel looked like a walking xylophone -- I like that and wanted to share it.
i noticed that too about Brad.. I used to watch the show until that started.. she gets on my nerves but I liked the fashion part of it.. I can't stomach her anymore either..
I told you once and I'll tell you again....she has done some meth somewhere along the way...
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